We have released a new hotfix update to improve the gameplay experience and address some critical issues.

🔧 Improvements and Fixes

  • Render performance optimization for smoother gameplay.
  • Fixed target points on the screen.
  • Resolved the crash related to ship destruction (UObjectArray).
  • Updated the save system for dedicated servers, allowing multiple servers to run from the same installation directory with separate saves.
  • Removed the player limit on servers (unlimited).
  • Adjusted the /tp spawn command position; it will now correctly teleport outside of Refuel Towers.
  • Attempted fix on contract bugs (we haven't fully investigated this issue over the weekend, but we will look into it further this week).
  • Added Client/Server version verification to detect version differences and prompt for an update.
  • Server name display added to the bottom right corner of the game screen.

🐞 Known Bugs

  • SingleStorm Performance Issues: The SingleStorm ship still has significant performance issues. We recommend avoiding it for now.
  • Construction Bug: The first snap of the ground platform doesn’t work correctly. You can bypass this bug by switching objects and returning to the platform. Additionally, some objects are not fully adapted yet.
  • Respawn Time After Death: In rare cases, your character may take longer than expected to respawn after death. We are working on this issue.

We hope you enjoy these improvements, and we encourage you to test the base construction feature extensively this weekend! Your feedback is crucial to helping us improve QANGA. Please join our Discord to share your thoughts and report any bugs you encounter.

See you soon in the universe of QANGA!

The QANGA Team 🌌